
Dealer Trade Network

An established company, Dealer Trade Network has been in business for nearly 20 years. But in the last three years, they've seen unprecedented growth.

To support their monumental growth and future revenue goals, they had to develop a new strategy to speak to a larger audience and solidify their brand status. Through product marketing and brand, Innovatemap experts helped Dealer Trade Network create and activate a new strategy for their next chapter.

With a new brand identity and scalable messaging framework, Dealer Trade Network is equipped to become a national brand and be seen as America's trading floor for new cars, disrupting and transforming the industry.

What We Did:
  • Brand Activation
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Launch Video
  • Marketing Enablement
  • Positioning and Messaging
  • Product Design
  • Product Management
  • Sales Enablement
  • Website
Dealer Trade Network logo, before and after working with Innovatemap.
Positioning and messaging framework elements including the foundational statement, key benefits and tagline.

To speak to a national audience, we redefined Dealer Trade Network’s positioning to clearly state who they are, the value they provide and who they serve.

“Dealer Trade Network trusted the Innovatemap team to do what we do best,” said Meghan Pfeifer Corsello, Principal Product Marketer and Brand Strategist. “We collaborated closely with new leadership, and by extension, earned the trust of their extended team. We helped Dealer Trade Network build momentum and trust in the automotive industry by learning the ins and outs of their world and helping them tell their story authentically.”

Brand identity elements including logo, type, color palette, photography and visual language.

As part of their new visual identity, we introduced a fresh logo, typography, color palette, visual language and photography style. Their new brand identity strikes a balance between honoring their 20-year history and leaning into a modern, data-driven company. 

Beyond the core elements, we integrated the new brand and messaging across various platforms and tools ranging from a new website and presentation decks to physical merchandise.

Brand explainer video to support the launch.

To ensure a smooth internal transition, we equipped the Dealer Trade Network team with a comprehensive socialization deck. This resource conveyed the brand and positioning changes to rally team members.

Learn how we can help transform your brand to resonate with the right audience.

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