
About Innovatemap — 09.26.2023

How Relationships Drive Innovation

Chelsea Douglass, Director of Marketing

Authenticx CEO Amy Brown with Innovatemap CEO Mike Reynolds.

In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, it’s easy to get caught up in completing tasks, meeting deadlines and learning new trends. But at Innovatemap, we believe in the power of human connections as the driving force behind our success. We’ve prioritized building and nurturing relationships since day one. 

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the people behind the products. 

Building Products, Creating Community

Innovatemap was built on handshakes, conversations and shared dreams. From our early days at The Speakeasy to our offices today in both Indianapolis and New York City, relationships have been the cornerstone of our growth.

Last month, our team attended Rally, a global cross-sector innovation conference. And while we enjoyed hearing keynotes from Peyton Manning and Magic Johnson, the most valuable time was spent connecting with old friends and establishing new relationships. 

With nearly three decades of experience in the Indy tech scene, Mike Reynolds couldn’t help but feel like he was at a reunion, seeing familiar faces around every corner. 

“Our conversations were so much deeper than ‘hi, how are you’ because we’re more than colleagues — we’re friends and partners,” explained Mike. “These people truly wanted to celebrate our successes and help with our challenges. That doesn’t happen without investing time and energy in relationships from the start.”

The relationships we’ve cultivated have helped us thrive in a competitive landscape. 

Creating connections has been instrumental in shaping our company culture, both internally and with our clients. In-person meetings to kick off engagements, the excitement of brainstorming sessions and the trust formed over countless cups of coffee – these are the moments that have propelled us forward.

Powerful Partnerships

Building authentic relationships adds depth and meaning to our work. We become an extension of our partners’ teams. When they succeed, we celebrate their success. When they struggle, we jump in to see how we can help.

And we feel the same support from our partners who celebrate our milestones and support us through challenges. 

When Authenticx CEO and Amy Brown took the stage at this year’s ITIA Annual Conference, she sported an Innovatemap t-shirt.

“To see her supporting our brand on stage is so impactful,” said Tina Hafer. “It’s an authentic example of how investing in relationships with our clients creates friends and fans for the long run.”

We pride ourselves on the partnerships we’ve built. Our work is not transactional. Founders and product leaders trust us to turn their visions into reality, knowing that a partnership with Innovatemap means having a dedicated ally committed to their success. That’s a responsibility we don’t take lightly.

Committed to Connection

In a digital-driven world, now hyper-focused on artificial intelligence, we cherish the value of human interactions more than ever.

As we’ve been reminded at recent events like our Brunch & Learns and Rally, it’s the people behind the products that inspire us to do what we do.

We’ve created a culture of a team that shares a passion for innovation and a desire to help real people solve real problems. Our community is richer because of the relationships we’ve built.

We’ll continue to emphasize the value of connection because it’s the people we meet and the relationships we build that make the journey worthwhile. Together, we can build even better products.
