
Buyer , User , Startups , Client Stories — 08.10.2022

How Your Money Line Helps Employers Prioritize Financial Wellness

Innovatemap Team

Local financial expert and non-tech founder Pete the Planner started Your Money Line to lead you to the financial life you’ve always wanted. His team of experts prioritize empathy and understanding to meet people where they are, regardless of where they’ve been. 

Your Money Line is a B2B software company that provides educational resources and helps users track their financial growth and wellness. 

Your Money Line partnered with Innovatemap to strengthen its brand and product. The brand tells a story that keeps buyers invested. And the company’s new, intuitive dashboard is a product users want to use


Your Money Line needed a new answer to the question, “what is Your Money Line?”

The team knew they had a good idea, but they needed help building it out further, telling a better story and being more robust. The brand was outdated. The software lacked functionality and features. There was no clear path to achieve their product vision. Ultimately, Your Money Line wasn’t showing up in market how they wanted, and they needed help maximizing their resources.

Together, we leveraged our cross-discipline services to create a better product. 

The Innovatemap team that partnered with Your Money Line included:


Honest discovery conversations early in the engagement showed Your Money Line needed a bit of everything we do.

“We realized we could add more value by integrating a new brand and messaging strategy to tell their story, impact user lives, and help customers achieve their goals,” Spencer said.

They needed a new brand, a higher quality interface with the right features, and help telling their story. 

Product Management & Design

We started with research

To better understand the product’s value, our product research team interviewed existing users and the Your Money Line team. “We needed to understand which parts of the product people engaged with most, and which features weren’t resonating. We were on a mission to find out what would add the most value,” Spencer said.

Using research insights, our product management and product design team identified which features to build and how the navigation should work. They asked questions like: How does a new user map out their financial journey? How do they land at the most helpful content and track progress as they learn more? Since all decisions were made with users at the center, Your Money Line’s product is right for users.

Your Money Line didn’t want to scale their team out of user interactions. Users can talk to a team member whenever they like. They did, however, want to improve the experience of using their product to lighten the burden of navigating financial wellness. 

“We didn’t just produce static design deliverables,” Spencer said. “We empowered the Your Money Line team with frameworks they could use to scale effectively.”

Product Marketing & Brand

To help Your Money Line resonate with buyers, we started with product marketing. We reimagined their offerings to deliver a new product hierarchy. With more than 20 different offerings, we identified and reorganized the most important based on the target audience.

From there, we restructured Your Money Line’s position in market.

To do this, we identified the ultimate benefit they provide. Since we were also building their product, we prioritized which features to emphasize. “We got to build the product, the story and the brand at the same time,” Leanna said. “We were able to tell the best and most cohesive story because weren’t constrained by something that already existed.”

We rebranded Your Money Line to reflect more accurately who they are and where they’re going. 

“Your Money Line used to refer to an actual hotline you could dial up for financial advice,” Andy explained. “In pursuit of up leveling their product to match the quality of their services, we rejected the idea of renaming the product. Instead, we embraced the name with the new brand concept, recognizing that no one’s money line is the same.”

The Your Money Line team knows financial health is nonlinear, and it looks drastically different for everyone. That’s actually at the heart of their product — helping people achieve financial wellness by understanding their journey and meeting them where they are. 

The financial industry is notoriously buttoned up and clean cut. Your Money Line’s brand, however, doesn’t feel intimidating. Rather, it’s light, easy-to-use and approachable. The bright colors, bubbly imagery and surprising illustrations reflect the Your Money Line team. Just like the brand, they’re brilliant, fun and enjoyable. And you’ll want to look forward to engaging with them again (we sure do). 


We work with people we believe in. Your Money Line is an incredible partner, with a driven team solving real problems for real people. Together, we created something we’re proud of.

“They were so open and receptive to every workshop and recommendation. It made for a great engagement,” Leanna said. 

Spencer said, “The Your Money Line team was so excited to learn, teach, listen and engage. They were a joy to be around every day. When they walk into the room, everything gets happier.” 

People want to use a better product. And more importantly, they want to keep using it. They stay connected because they enjoy engaging with the brand. The messaging speaks directly to them, inviting them into a memorable experience. Leading with product doesn’t have to neglect the human and service elements. It actually does the opposite, creating a better product that solves real problems for users. Your Money Line now has a marketable, valuable and usable product that buyers want to buy and users want to use.

Find out how our product experts can help you build the right product for your users and go to market confidently.

See our work with Your Money Line
