

Orderbot is the reliable orchestration platform for products, inventory and orders that helps modern commerce brands exceed customer expectations. By centralizing growth operations and increasing efficiency, Orderbot enables growth and empowers brands to have a good day, every day.

Ready to scale and attract a new type of client, Orderbot was shifting from inbound to outbound sales. 

But their brand identity and messaging didn’t accurately tell the world who they were and the problems they solve for customers. Orderbot needed a new brand to establish credibility and new positioning to clarify what they offer and how they’re different.

Together, we designed a brand that levels up Orderbot’s product, gives their team something to rally around and helps them stand out to the right buyers. 

What We Did:
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Identity
  • Positioning & Messaging
  • Website Design
Previous Logo Mark
Updated Logo Mark

To resonate with bigger companies, Orderbot needed to look more credible. So we designed a new identity — one that looks elevated and sophisticated, but still friendly and light-hearted.

Color Palette
Font & Typography
Branded Messaging

Being friendly and approachable is key to how Orderbot works with their customers. It was vital that the brand identity convey that, too. Between the tone of the messaging and the approachability of the visuals, it’s full of personality.

Parker McCullough (Senior Brand Designer) explained, “When we rebrand, we don’t change things just for the sake of changing things. We dive deeper to see what’s successful and what’s not. Then we evolve the brand while retaining any equity they already have so they can shine in a new way.”

Visual Language
Foundational Statement

A powerful foundational statement clearly articulates their value, why they’re different and who they’re serving to help Orderbot resonate with the right buyers. 

Messaging Pillars

Benefit pillars make value propositions clear and easy to understand. They speak to the most important value Orderbot delivers. These words play a key role in all marketing and sales communications.  

Brand Concept
Brand Language
3D Render Logo
Brand Product Vision
Brand Concept

Orderbot was ready to level up their brand identity. We gave them the words and the visuals to help them get there.

Visual Language Concept
Branded Messaging

The value of Orderbot’s new brand extends beyond the product. Leanna Adeola (Principal, Product Marketing & Brand) explained, “A great rebrand is powerful — not just externally, but internally as well. It makes your team feel proud that they work for your company.”

Brand Concept
Brand Guidelines

Other Work