
Buyer , Startups , Client Stories — 12.20.2022

How Product Marketing and Brand Unified Base Post-Merger

Innovatemap Team

Base is the modern solution for Executive Assistants. Base’s platform and services equip Executive Assistants (EAs) with the tools, training and support they need to be more efficient in their roles and lead impactful careers. With Base, EAs get the support they deserve.

To become the world’s only full spectrum, tech-enabled executive assistants hub, Base merged with 33Vincent, a hiring tool that expanded Base’s product offerings to include talent acquisition.

We partnered to reconcile product marketing and brand after the merger with a scalable, repeatable and consistent visual identity that attracts and engages buyers. 


While Base’s merger broadened their product offerings, it created misalignment within Base’s brand and product marketing. 

With expanded offerings, Base needed to claim a new position in market. Then, they needed a unified way to talk about their value that resonates with buyers

Additionally, Base needed a refreshed brand to enhance their visual identity, align their team and elevate their website. 


Positioning & Messaging

Consistent and repeatable product marketing is essential to scale successfully. For Base, we developed a scalable foundation that will grow with Base and equip them for long-term success. 

We repositioned Base to accurately reflect its value and expanded product offerings to a new audience. 

Base’s foundational statement clearly articulates what the product is, who needs it and why it matters. 

Base’s Foundational Statement

Now, Base’s value proposition is front and center, so buyers understand who Base impacts and how. This foundational statement is the north star that guides all other product marketing and activation. 

To clarify Base’s expanded offerings to buyers, we developed messaging pillars and supporting audience messaging. Messaging pillars (efficiency, excellence and connection) organize Base’s value into clear categories that buyers believe and understand. 

Base has two primary audiences: EAs seeking professional development solutions and executives hiring EAs. Because of this, Base’s foundational statement speaks directly to EAs while select messaging and activation materials target executives. 


To unify Base’s look and feel, we reconciled and refreshed the brand. Base’s refreshed brand:

  • Creates a cohesive presence
  • Up-levels Base to appear more established and modern
  • Visualizes Base’s new position in market
  • Engages buyers to create a memorable experience

Our brand refresh included a brand audit, coupled with refreshed typography, color palette, illustrations, photography, vector graphics and product visuals/block art.

“Base’s updated and refreshed brand drives them toward a more modern and fresh look,” Tressa said. “Consistent visuals and design guides equip Base to own the brand’s future by building on a solid foundation.” 

Then, we activated Base’s product marketing and brand on their website to elevate and unify their digital presence.

Now, Base’s buyers understand what they do, who they are and why they’re different through memorable positioning, messaging and brand. 


If you’ve recently joined forces with another company and are feeling misaligned, don’t panic. Unifying and aligning your product marketing and brand strategies equips you to go to market with confidence about who you are and the value you provide.

“Base is proof that updating your brand doesn’t have to mean scrapping everything you have,” Tressa said. “If you’re strategic with design elements and intentional with changes, a brand refresh can align everyone on the team about where you’re heading — and that’s really powerful.”

“Never underestimate the power of a consistent story,” said Maria Otteson, Senior Product Marketer. “Your product marketing shouldn’t be a combination of what you’ve said for the last several years. A consistent and scalable story is impactful and freeing, especially after a big shift. It helps you (and your buyers) finally understand who you are.”

Find out how our product experts can help you unify your visual identity after an acquisition or merger.

See our work with Base

