If you’ve interacted with an Innovatemap team member, you’ve likely heard the phrase “marketable, valuable and usable” at least once or twice. It’s more than a motto – it’s a philosophy that guides everything we do for our clients. It represents our four disciplines and how they work in harmony to produce winning digital products.
Over the past seven years of being an agency, we’ve had more than 175 clients come to us with a digital product need. Our discipline leads have amassed a lot of experience across various industries and company stages (from early-stage startups to corporate enterprises). With each new client or project, that experience continues to build, allowing us to serve our clients better and faster and in turn, we receive immense trust that we can help them grow and scale.
In this audiogram series, we asked our discipline leads to reflect on what “marketable, valuable and usable” means to them and how they translate it with our clients.
Marketable by Leanna Adeola — Principal, Product Marketing and Brand
Valuable by Lacey Lavies — Executive Partner, Product Management and Client Success
Usable by Jon Moore — Principal, Product Design
If these audiograms sparked any questions on your new idea or existing product, let us know.